How does this happen? I couldn't tell you. When we bought the house I noticed there were a rose bushes, Karst was thrilled because he thought he would never have to buy me a flower again. ( He soon learned this would not be the case.) Not until we had to prune and feed them did we realize how many there were.
They are along our front yard, side yard and along the back of our house. All different colors. This year they have really bloomed and they are still blooming. We even got some that were cross bread and now they are different colors. When they come out it, I know summer is here, and if we prune them right we can get them to bloom again in the fall.
Okay, here is the story on these pictures. Monday morning I woke up a little bit early (5:30 am). And I was looking at the sunset which was breathtaking, and I thought, wow look at this great light, I bet I could some great pictures of the roses at this time of day. So, there I am at 5:30 in the morning in my striped satin pj's, my beautiful bed head, and my camera just enjoying enjoying the moment.
Then I hear a door open and who walks out? My new next door neighbor, who I have met once. And where am I at? On his trying to capture the light hitting the petals from the bottom. I waved told him good morning and just kept working on getting the picture. So he gets in his car and is just staring at me as he drives away.
What do you think shocked him the most, opening his front door to see the crazy lady next door, in her pajamas squatting on his lawn with her camera at 5:30 am, or the beautiful sunrise? Yup, I am with you it was definitely the sunrise. The only sad part was Karst slept through the whole thing.
Looks like getting up that early was worth it! Beautiful pictures, btw!!
I have rose bushes too but have NO clue how to care for them. I had some bloom the other day but because of anything I did! Great pictures....
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