Wednesday, March 19, 2014

For Sale

“Nothing happens until the pain of staying the same outweighs the pain of change”– Arthur Burt.

The past 10 months we have been getting ready to put our house on the market.  That is a job!  Now that the excess furniture is in storage, the unused items are boxed, some walls have been repainted.  We get to have a nifty little For Sale sign in our yard. 

You can see all the details here.

With a busy husband, a 5 year old only in preschool and also a job, this has been a work in progress.  The hardest part has been the emotional good bye.  

This is our first home, we were only married 4 years when we bought this home.  It is Charlee’s first home, and Fred’s first home.  The parties, the get togethers and just hanging out, with friends and family.  So many memories created in these walls. We have loved this home, it has been our sanctuary from the world.

I have scrubbed and shined every inch inside and out, sometime with my tears, this house has been a blessing in our life.  It’s time for this home to be a blessing for others. 

There are new friends to meet, new memories to create and a new place to live.  Where that is we don’t know yet.  Once we have said our farewell to this home and welcomed the new owners in, we will find our next home. 

Please share if you know someone wanting to live in a great neighborhood, with an amazing ward family and an amazing view.

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