Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Wacky Wednesday - Emails

How long has it been since I did a WW, too long is the answer.  I will try and get back into the habit, I just wonder if I've already gone too far and if I am embarrassing myself too much?  

Okay so email, I have a few email accounts as I am sure we all do.  And a few of the accounts go to my blackberry so I stay on top of those pretty well, buy you know that email address that you use to register and it doesn't matter how much you "unsubscribe" the crap keeps coming.  So I went through all my accounts and counted my unread mail and my total: 

How does this happen?  Not checking it daily, so if you have sent me an email and you are wondering why I have not responded I would suggest sending again because I think I am going to delete all and start all over.   Good -Night!!  How many unread emails do you have?

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