Thursday, July 2, 2009

12 Days to go - Slumbering in a Handcrafted Crib

When Charlee is older I am going to ask her what it felt like to sleep in a Handmade-Solid Oak-Award-Winning-Crib. What did she dream about?

Who else would have this opportunity? I told you this girl was loved by so many. L.J (Elle's younger brother), asked us back in December if he could make her a crib in his High School Wood Shop Class. We had seen some of the other pieces he had made and of course we thought that would be a wonderful idea . . . we had no idea how amazing it really would be.

L.J is shy to say the least, so there are very few pictures of him, but here you get an idea, this was him holding Charlee awhile ago.

This crib was so amazing he won an award in his High School for Intermediate Cabinetry.
Here is the crib as it was also delivered to us, (we get spoiled too because we know where Charlee lives.)
I will try to describe it, but it really is something you have to see in person.
This shows the two toned in-laid piece on the side.
Here is the side with the solid wood panel.
Here are all the slats, just the thought of sanding these pieces makes me want to run and hide.
Check out this detail. The trim and the lip, perfection.
It has a nice tapered legs.
An angle from the top, the nice wide railing with the rounded dowels.
Here is it in Charlee's room, with the bedding.
It's Precious Moments, found it on line and it fits her perfectly!
The first night we laid Charlee in there, she did not want to go to sleep, I don't think she knew what to do with all that space. Maybe she was afraid if she fell asleep and started sawing logs she would cut it up, ha ha ha, I am way to0 funny.
She's stretching, checking out the space.
And at last with the binky she is fast asleep
Yes, she is still on oxygen at night, we are still working with the doctors on this, but probably just something she will have to outgrow.
This is her the next morning in her lovely crib, (no she didn't pull herself up . . . yet).
I believe she agrees, this is a hit, this is marvelous, and exquisite. Here is more of her and the charming bed she gets to lay her locks in every night.

Next years wood shop project? Finishing the pieces to take this to a Full Bed, so she can sleep in it for many years to come.
Thanks L.J for the amazing gift. Your talent, skill and ability amaze us, and this is something that Charlee will always treasure.


Brian and Baely said...

The crib is so beautiful! I can't believe it was handmade, Charlee is lucky to have something so special like that!

krishna kashyap av said...

Amazing snaps..
Great photography..
Thanks for sharing them.
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