Friday, December 7, 2007

Its Been a Long Time Coming.

Finally we have our blog. We have been talking about this for a few months about getting this up and going, but there always seems to be more to do than we have time to do it.

We have not been good the last few years about staying in touch with our friends and family. So we are hoping this will help. Karst will add a bit here and there, but I am sure until he is done with school he won't have as much time as me. So I hope I can entertain you.

Since last year when Karst got me a camera for Christmas our life has never been the same. In a year I have over 5000 pictures in iPhoto. I could be a little out of control. So I am excited to be able to share my pictures with every one. Because we all know I have great stories and how could I make my stories better? PICTURES!!

This picture is one of my favorites, one Sunday in October I was walking home and it had just rained and lucky for me I had my camera. So an hour later after I took a picture of all the flowers in my yard at every angle at night, this was the best result. But I was entertained.

Okay I will find better pictures and tell better stories, for next time.

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