Sunday, December 16, 2007

Semester Finished!!

Tada, just like that Karst has finished another semester. It was one of those accounting Grad school classes.  You would think after 12 semesters it wouldn't seem as impressive.  I can't speak for him, I can just speak for myself what a relief it is to have it done.  I have my husband back, and he doesn't even look too stressed.  His eyes are still bloodshot.

Karst was traveling all last week with his job and trying to get everything finished for the semester.  It is always great when he comes home and we can be together. He brought me back some magnets for all the states he was in and a sweatshirt and that says Orlando.  

Karst's brother and wife stayed at our house just for one night.  Kris is really close to being done with school also.  He is getting ready to do his student teaching and they are just patiently waiting for the next phase of their life.  It was really nice to have some time to visit with them.

I got to watch my friends 3 kids age 6,18 months and 8 months on Wednesday.  I was a little worried that I wouldn't be up for it.  But it actually was a good thing.  They are a lot of fun and it was great to see and visit with my friends.  The bestest thing about their family is the 2 youngest they are going to be adopting this month.  The children were placed in their home for foster care and after 8 months everything fell into place that they will be able to adopt them and have them as a permanent part of their family.  I am so happy and excited for them.  It has been great watching their family change so fast.  I am grateful that they allow us to be a small part of their lives.

All week,  I helped my friend, Gaye, plan and throw a surprise party for her daughter Heather who turned 18.  We did it at our house, on Saturday.  I think she really was surprised.  It was a fun party, it was great to do something different.  I don't know the last time I did a surprise party.  Heather has great friends.  It was fun to have the loud music, the dancing and singing and all that stuff you do when you are 18.

So now we are trying to get ready for this next week.  So I have been telling everyone that we are going to start our Christmas shopping on the 17th.  I have learned that the sooner I start the Christmas shopping the more I spend.  So it will crowded and overwhelming and I might step on someone, but we'll make it through.  I guess maybe I should get a list together.
You can feel the Christmas in the air and it is getting exciting.  It is refreshing and makes you look at life in a different perspective.  A change from the routine.  So I am crossing my fingers and jumping in and maybe all the crazy people have finished their shopping, if not I might need to find some medication to get me through.  

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