Sunday, January 2, 2011

Karst, in an effort to to keep Charlee busy so we could get something done, he dug out his Star Wars toys.  We are both HUGE Star Wars fans, so it was just a matter of time before she was introduced.

 She loved the lightsabers and her favorite is attacking who was not armed. 
We were actually playing in the dark, but the flash makes it look light.
  I couldn't get a picture in the dark.
 We got out Darth Vader, at fist she didn't know what to think and wouldn't touch it.
After a few minutes she loved pushing the buttons to hear Darth breath or talk.
 Best looking Darth I've seen.


Anonymous said...

I didn't know you guys love Star Wars like that. That's awesome! I do agree that she is the cutest Darth ever! Is Karsten ready for busy season yet? Or I guess a better question might be, Are YOU ready for it??

Nathan said...

Little Wookie (Charlee), may the force be with you.