Here is the deal. Charlotte is not a good eater, and I do try to pick my battles with this carefully. However, she is also a little stubborn and if she knows it is something I want her to do she does not always want to do it.
So I made her some scrabbled eggs, which she asked for, but then when I put them in front of her she would not touch them. After 15 minutes, I got out the camera to share with you her tactics to get out of it.
Here is the bite she agreed to take for the picture. She is watching herself take a bite.
After this one bite, she would not take another.
This is for sure my favorite face. it is hard to tell but you can kind of see her arms are folded. When she doesn't know what else to do she folds her arms and makes this face.
I finally just turned my back and started doing the dishes, she was still making lots of noise and trying to get out of her seat. She grabbed the bowl and was ready to throw it on the floor when I caught her and put it back in front of her.
Temper? Do you think she has a little temper?
Finally after 45 minutes and me not talking to her or looking at her for 10 minutes she ate the whole bowl. I asked for 3 bites, she deciede she could eat it all.
I think this might have been my greatest accomplishment for the week.
Victory is so sweet! Even if it takes all you have. Now what do you do it your husband is the picky one? lol.
Your a great mom!
Lueen Hatch, April Beach and Georgia Hunter like this.
Jennifer Hutto Larkin - Haha! Little turd.
Lueen Hatch- but she's so darn cute lol ♥ whats a mom to do??????
Whitney Temple - haha! Give her cake!
JamieandScott Millett -That's hilarious!!! Awesome video!!! She told you...mmmhumm
Christie Bascom -That was classic! Way to stand your ground....boy are you in for some exciting favorite part was when you got all Sicilian! THANKS for sharing a day in the life!
Oh my gosh! That little sigh and pout towards the end of the video was hysterical!! She is so funny. I am impressed that she ate it all in the end!
:) Think that's bad, just wait until she's a teenager! This is only the warm up for what's to come.
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