Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Loving Open Adoption!

My favorite sport is hockey.  It is such a fun, fast sport to watch.  I have shared with you here why I love it.  Karst totally knows how I feel about hockey, and we talked about inviting Elle and Kolby (Charlee's birth parents) with us to a game.   Even though it is B.S. (busy season), Karsten got me center rink, row 2 tickets, he got me 5 tickets.  Woo - hoo!  Charlee was going to see her first hockey game, I was going to see my first hockey game in 3 years.  We were going to be able to invite Elle and Kolby!  Great birthday present!!

Plans were made, days off were requested.  Rooms were reserved.  It was going to be fun.  The night did not disappoint.  Even though there was some car trouble and we started later then we thought, no worries.

We met up with Elle* and Kolby* later in the afternoon. After eating some delicious Italian food, where they witnessed for themselves Charlee's amazing baby radar system.  (She can spot a baby in any room faster then you can blink.)  They also watched us attempt to get her to eat, as well as entertain her while we tried to eat.

We made it to the game, in time to get her Grizzly press on tattoo, and cotton candy. 
(she liked the temp. tattoo more then the cotton candy.)

As a parent, one of the best things is watching your child experience something for the first time.  Watching their eyes light up, as they figure it out.
Watching their innocents and excitement for something you like is awesome.
We as adoptive parents, who never knew if these moments would happen, to us these moments are true blessings in our lives.

What made this "first time" even better?  
Watching her birth parents  share a first time with her.

The game was a bust, our team lost.  We still had tons of fun.  Charlee would follow the puck around the ice and when the ref would blow his whistle and put his arms out straight, Charlee would follow and put her arms out straight.

As late as it was, and as long as the day had been Charlee was tired but did great.

 When I look at these pictures, I feel so much love for them.  I wish I had the words to express how amazing they are, how much they teach us,  and how much they mean to us.  They are not just Charlee's birth mom and birth dad, they are not just our friends, they are apart of our family.

Our Open Adoption situation works because everyone involved keeps Charlee's best interest in mind, and everyone respects each other for the unique individuals we are.  

*Elle and Kolby is their nicknames for the blog


Anonymous said...

Love open adoption!!! I very much agree with K's birthmom being more than a friend- we really do think of her as part of our family. Looks like it was a fun night out!

Tonya said...

Still can't get over that you like hockey.

Rob & Michelle Eberly Family said...

What a sweet post. : )