Saturday, August 9, 2008

Hi!!  No, we have not been sitting on the couch playing Guitar Hero for the last 2 weeks straight.  I had girl’s camp this week, and yes I was tempted to take the DS and hide in my tent all day and play, but since I was in the leader tent I knew I’d probably get caught, so it stayed behind.  Karst has been working hard on his bowling game.  In fact he bowled 269 on Thursday night.  Yeah, before you get all impressed with his amazing “athletic skills” you should know that this is his bowling game off of facebook.


This weekend we are at an adoption conference. It has been really good.  We have met up with some other friends and made new friends. We’ve heard some good stories, got great ideas, shed a few tears, found some new hope, and now we are refreshed and ready to get back on the adoption road.


We are going to be heading to Wyoming this weekend also, so I am not sure if I will have a chance to get any new pictures posted.  Because yeah, the truck is still packed from girls camp and I am thinking that Karst is not going to want to drive to work with our craft project, targets, coolers, tables, tents, chairs and marshmallow roasters in his truck.  So once that is cleaned up and unpacked you will have new pics of what we have been doing.  I know you’re just dying of anticipation, but we are all going to have to be patient and wait.  (story of my life).

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