However, with me no longer working full time and just doing hair on Saturday's, buying books is not on the need list it is on the want list.
I hear you now saying, that is why you go to the library. True, but it is not that easy for me, I have a history with the library system. (This is what I remember, I have tried to block most of it)
In the past these are a few of the situations I have had with our county library:
1: Took a year to return 3 books, I had to pay for the books AND give them back. They never called, they never emailed just sent a letter after 12 months. (I thought I had returned the books)
2: They wouldn't let me check out a book until I paid the .85 fine that was 1 months old, I didn't bring my wallet so I had to dig through my car and dig up 85 pennies to get one book. They couldn't take a chance that I wouldn't pay it next time.
3. One May they wouldn't let me check out a book because I didn't have my card with me, and I had used my ONE TIME ONLY no card check out, TWO years earlier, so I went home searched for it, couldn't find it went back to them told them I couldn't find it and needed a new one.
And the guy said "Oh, it looks like back in March we found it on our floor. You'll need to get a new one now."
I was so mad. I said "Excuse me the lady could look through the notes on my account from 2 years ago and see that I had done my one time only no card check out, but she couldn't look at the notes from 2 months ago and tell me you had found it here?"
He just shrugged he shoulders and said "yeah, and you'll need to pay $12 for a new card." I just laughed out loud, no one had called, emailed or sent a letter that my card was at the library, I guess I am supposed to just know.
I flipped my book over, saw it cost $14.99 I handed him the book and said "I'd rather give my money to the book store and KEEP the book then to pay them for another card." And I left. Now I am a little afraid to go back, I am sure I am on some crazy lady list.
4. I get bugged when I go there and they have 18 people in line one person checking people out and 4 people shelving books. HELLO, does that make sense. And then those people are in no hurry at all, they don't understand that you have a life and don't want to spend all day in the library? They move so SLOW. So then when you finally get up there, just to get them to scan your card and your books, they have to stop and give me a speech about .85 fines, and lost cards. It makes going to a book store heaven.
So now I either have to give up books, steal them from friends or go eat crow and start using the library again. I'll tell you what, I guess I just need find another location, and apply for a new card and hope none of my "crazy lady" notes follow me.
Pray for me that I can do this and Charlee will not be illiterate.
LOL... you are so finny Kim. Eli loves books and we have ooooooodddddllless of books, if you ever like to borrow some, we come out there often enough we could work something out. But I totally get the library thing. We always have late fines on books that we swear we have taken back. Anywho, CHarlee is a Doll. That face at the end is precious.
I love that last picture of Charlee, so cute! Yeah I don't like going to the library either. It smells yucky!
Be glad you can go to the library! I pay $100.00 a year just get a library card. The SLC county Library system is the best, you can go to any library in the county. You have no idea how lucky you are!
I choose the Salt Lake City library system over the county library system. The county has more frequent events for kids, so I'll head to those libraries for events, but as far as books go, I think you'll have much better luck with the city libraries.
The good news is that you might have to get a new card anyway if it's been long enough. I had to get a new one a couple of years ago because they've redone all of their systems. AND....what's even better is that they have self-checkouts and you can choose to SKIP paying the fine, if you have one! Woo hoo!! You'll love it...just go.
BTW...the Bingham Creek Library is GREAT. We drive an extra 20 minutes to go to that one instead of one closer to us.
Do it....just go. You'll be glad you did!
That picture is about when you FINALLY let the rest of us enjoy some shower bliss, you have a BOOK shower???!! Fantastic idea.
I haven't blog hopped in ages and come to find all of these posts. So great. I am on a blog hiatus. lol what's new, right. I too have been on the library watch list. I wouldn't want to see the notes in my file. but I finally sucked it up because L LOVES it. I had to pay the mula for a new card and now tape the list to the fridge and am super vigilant in returning them (because I am afraid not to. lol) And, the best part is that L can scan them and check them out and thinks it is the best thing ever! Go try it. Maybe we can have a library day one of these days.
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