Thursday, March 6, 2008

Adoption Yard Sale

Guess what is almost here?


And what does that mean??



Time to figure out what is taking all of your much-needed space,

which stuff was so loved and couldn't be lived without,

that is now taking up space for the real things you need.


What to do with all that STUFF?

Well there are always a few options:


YYou can close the door and walk away praying that the ugly couch just gets up and walks out.

YYou can try to give it to some poor college student who doesn't care that it is Tangerine orange.

YOf course you could put it in the back of your pickup and take it to the dump, because you have time right?

YOr you can load it up and take it the DI or Salvation Army because you know they have a need for 8 matching lamps with polka dot shades?


This year you have another option . . . are you ready?





You ask: “Donate to an adoption yard sale; what is going on?”

As most of you know we have been approved for

adoption and are waiting to be picked.

Well, because adoption is not free or cheap and

because we are trying to earn and save all of the money for the adoption,

we are going to have an adoption Yard Sale on

May 17th



(okay not really the crap)

Just the stuff you would give to the DI or someone you liked.

So furniture, shelves, curtains, lamps, baby stuff, books, knick knacks, etc.


So after you have cleaned and pulled and discovered your old treasures,

you don't even have to load them in your pickup,

just call or email us and we will come and pick it up for you

and try to sell it for at least a quarter to pay for the gas we used to get the stuff.

We have space in our garage we can store stuff until May.


So let us know when you have it together and we will be on our way.

Please mark May 17th on your calendar to come to the Yard Sale,

because that treasure you wanted will probably be here

and the money will all be going to a great cause . . .




Thanks for you help & support

Karsten & Kimberly


Amy E. said...

Kim, I'll see what I can find to donate to your Adoption Yard Sale. What a great idea!

Anonymous said...

Hi kim and karston! Don't you forget I want to come and help. I will be on the look out for good free things from ksl and craigslist that people don't want. We are also going to have a yard sale for our adoption in april. love a tons naomi